Important updates regarding any or all of the honours programmes.

International Trip 2019
The academic year has only just started, but we are here to plan your next vacation. Every year, an educational trip is organized the International Trip Committee, and this year we are going to… Brno! From the 11th until the 16th of November 2019, you can join us on the international trip. We will leave…
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Pizza & Playing Pool (for first years only)
Dear new SHA students, We are super excited to welcome you to our community, the SHA! Which is why we planned an evening for you to meet your fellow SHA students and improve your pooling skills! We will be eating pizzas with the students from all the different disciplines, who you can challenge in playing…
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The holiday is coming to its end…
After having the luxury of being home (or some other place that is not uni) for TWO MONTHS, it is time to return to the routine of your student life at university. Over the summer, we had some truly warm days, raising concerns for our planet’s welfare and the effect that this has on the…
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On September 12, an introductory talk will take place in KBG – Atlas for the new honours students. On this evening the destination of the International trip 2019 will be announced as well. Afterward, dinner will be provided in the SHA room. Here you can meet your fellow SHA students and the board.
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2nd Honours Symposium, Future Food
The symposium, inspired by the “Future Food” research at UU, will start at 19:00 (welcome from 18:30) and will end around 21:30. The location of the symposium is the Ruppert Blauw Room. The evening will include the following topics and discussions: 19:00-19:30 Opening by Rens Voesenek: Head of the Future Food Program 19:30-20:00 Dennis Oonincx:…
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Thomas More grants available for honours students
There are still a few Thomas More grants available for honours students from Utrecht University. The deadline for application is October 1st 2015. You can find more information about the foundation and its grants either in the brochures below, or by visiting their website. Thomas More Brochure 2015 Thomas More at Utrecht University
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